「Kaali crater」熱門搜尋資訊

Kaali crater

「Kaali crater」文章包含有:「Kaalicrater」、「KaaliCrater」、「KaaliCratersofEstoniaandTheirMeteoriticMaterial」、「Kaalifieldofmeteoritecraters」、「KaalijärvCraters|MeteoriteImpact」、「KaaliMeteorCrater,Kaali」、「KaaliMeteoriteCrater」、「KaaliMeteoriteCraterField」、「KAALITavern」、「Saaremaa'sKaaliCrater」

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Kaali crater
Kaali crater


Kaali is a group of nine meteorite craters in the village of Kaali on the Estonian island of Saaremaa. Most recent estimates put its formation shortly after ...

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Kaali Crater
Kaali Crater


A small museum devoted to the nearby meteorite crater with displays of meteorite fragments and fossils, and a film explaining the Kaali impact.

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Kaali Craters of Estonia and Their Meteoritic Material
Kaali Craters of Estonia and Their Meteoritic Material


The Kaali craters are located on Saaremaa island, Estonia, in an area of 1 sq km. The main crater, which has a diameter of 104-110 m and initial depth of 22 ...

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Kaali field of meteorite craters
Kaali field of meteorite craters


Interesting to know: the Kaali crater is in 8th place among the world's youngest giant craters. The Kaali field of meteorite craters in Saaremaa is the rarest ...

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Kaali järv Craters | Meteorite Impact
Kaali järv Craters | Meteorite Impact


Kaali järv Craters, group of eight meteorite craters on Saaremaa Island in the Baltic Sea, 12 miles (20 km) northeast of Kingisepp, Estonia.

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Kaali Meteor Crater, Kaali
Kaali Meteor Crater, Kaali


The far-away nameless island, described in epics, is known as SAAREMAA now days. A lot of tourists visit the grave of the Son of the Sun as KAALI METEORITE ...

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Kaali Meteorite Crater
Kaali Meteorite Crater


It's a hole in the ground with a small pond. On the plus side, you can see it for free. The nearby museum is attached to a convenience store. Admission is only ...

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Kaali Meteorite Crater Field
Kaali Meteorite Crater Field


Simply known as Kaali crater, the largest crater (which measures 110 meters across) is believed to have been a sacred site for many centuries, ...

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KAALI Tavern
KAALI Tavern


Kaali village on Saaremaa island, Estonia is known for its unique geological site with a group of nine meteorite craters, the biggest of which is open to ...

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Saaremaa's Kaali Crater
Saaremaa's Kaali Crater


Kaali Crater is the largest of the craters and the place where the biggest on-land impact occurred. By studying the depth and width of the crater, scientists ...